Graduation ceremony
It was a day of celebration and pride at the Arab Academy for Science as we had the honor of hosting the graduation ceremony for our bachelor’s and master’s students. This solemn event was marked by the distinguished presence of the Minister of Higher Education, as well as the President of our academy, who both shared inspiring and motivating speeches.
La salle résonnait de joie et d’émotion alors que les étudiants montaient sur scène pour recevoir leurs diplômes, symboles de leur dévouement, de leur travail acharné et de leur réussite académique. Chaque diplôme représentait non seulement une étape importante dans le parcours de nos étudiants, mais aussi le début d’un nouveau chapitre plein de promesses et d’opportunités.
Au cours de cette cérémonie mémorable, l’Académie Arabe pour la Science a également eu le privilège de signer une convention avec SAAS (Société Arabes des Applications Scientifiques), renforçant ainsi notre engagement envers la collaboration et l’innovation dans le domaine de la science et de la recherche. Cette collaboration promet de catalyser de nouvelles avancées et de créer des opportunités enrichissantes pour nos étudiants et notre communauté académique dans son ensemble.
It was a day of celebration and pride at the Arab Academy for Science as we had the honor of hosting the graduation ceremony for our bachelor’s and master’s students. This solemn event was marked by the distinguished presence of the Minister of Higher Education, as well as the President of our academy, who both shared inspiring and motivating speeches.
The room echoed with joy and emotion as students took the stage to receive their diplomas, symbols of their dedication, hard work and academic success. Each degree represented not only an important milestone in our students’ journey, but also the start of a new chapter full of promise and opportunity.
During this memorable ceremony, the Arab Academy for Science also had the privilege of signing an agreement with SAAS (Arab Society for Scientific Applications), thus reinforcing our commitment to collaboration and innovation in the field of science. and research. This collaboration promises to catalyze further advances and create enriching opportunities for our students and our academic community as a whole.
It was a day of celebration and pride at the Arab Academy for Science as we had the honor of hosting the graduation ceremony for our bachelor’s and master’s students. This solemn event was marked by the distinguished presence of the Minister of Higher Education, as well as the President of our academy, who both shared inspiring and motivating speeches.
The room echoed with joy and emotion as students took the stage to receive their diplomas, symbols of their dedication, hard work and academic success. Each degree represented not only an important milestone in our students’ journey, but also the start of a new chapter full of promise and opportunity.
During this memorable ceremony, the Arab Academy for Science also had the privilege of signing an agreement with SAAS (Arab Society for Scientific Applications), thus reinforcing our commitment to collaboration and innovation in the field of science. and research. This collaboration promises to catalyze further advances and create enriching opportunities for our students and our academic community as a whole.
On this special day, we celebrate not only the individual achievements of our graduates, but also the spirit of collaboration, excellence and determination that characterizes our institution. Congratulations to all of our graduates on this remarkable milestone, and we look forward to seeing the wonderful accomplishments they will achieve in their professional futures.